family business research international center

Living our values build Family Harmony

Alignment in Vision and Values not only steers the business in the right direction but also leads to Family Harmony and competitive advantage. Family harmony means the ability to trust and support, communicate differences in a constructive manner and look at a broader picture.

It can be achieved by identifying and clarifying Family Values and using these values as guideposts in Family and Business. But merely identifying and clarifying Family Values is not enough as it takes real courage to make tough decisions based on these Values.

Values should not be merely aspirational but must be put into practice as any mismatch between Values and Action leads to disappointment, ill will and hard feelings.

It is very important for a Family to ensure that the Future Generation Members align with the Values in order to maintain the harmony in Business. Once values are set in a Family even sibling or cousins who are temperamentally different will be remarkably similar and aligned to their Values.

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