family business research international center

Role of Attitude in Conflict Management

Conflict arises when two individuals have opposing views and are unwilling to compromise. A Conflict creates tension, anxiety, and friction between the concerned individuals. Conflicts must be resolved at the right time to create a peaceful environment.

Attitude: It cannot be overemphasized that a positive attitude plays a critical role in the resolution of conflicts. Right attitude helps you look at things positively instead of finding fault with others. If you are a little flexible, many a conflict can be avoided.

Avoid getting emotional: if you get emotional during a conflict, you tend to lose control and end up hurting the sentiments of the other individual further aggravating the conflict.

Taking initiative: By taking initiative to resolve a conflict, you will gain respect and people look
upto you.

Make sure you enter the workplace with a calm and positive mind: with a negative mindset, you will always be in a mood to clash with others. Your life should be defined by self-enhancing elements than depreciating conflicts.

Learn to say sorry and be forgiving:  A heartfelt sorry can dissolve many major arguments and conflicts.
It may earn you the respect of the other person as asking for forgiving has a healing effect on others. You can choose to not blow up an issue and move on thereby liberating yourself from tension and anxiety.

Always look at the bright side of life: Redefine yourself such that the state of being happy is a habit. Even if something is not in your favour step back to realize that this too shall pass.

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